Snippets I've Learned Along the Way
Between co-hosting a podcast, working for awesome folks, and living life, I have a few insights it would be just selfish to not share with others. You definitely need to make sure you create a network of like-minded folks for yourself! Find some Facebook pages, blogs, or local meetups, and don't hesitate! I have learned so much from these. Don't be afraid to find ways for passive income! Create an Amazon affiliate; many websites/companies offer these! You just have to ask and do a little work to promote, and you will be surprised and the difference it will make in your finances. YouTube anything and everything, I have yet to look something up that someone hasn't already made a video about, and I am not mad about it! Most of all, don't hesitate to go for it!
Stuff I Still Reference
One thing I wish I had learned first besides the above is what is hosting and what company is best for it! If you are a super huge blogger or have a rather large site, I would definitely suggest Bluehost. I don't personally use them because, for my sites, I have everything I need at a much cheaper option with SiteGround. They are cheaper, will handle the migration for you, and have excellent fast responses! My referral code for them is below (please use it if you do decide to move forward). I will also say SiteGround has the absolute easiest WordPress integration. That doesn't mean they are the right host for you! Other companies may fit your needs better; this is just who worked best with my needs and current place.
Podcast Preference
I can honestly say, publishing a podcast with my best friend Lesley has been so much fun! It has also been the most annoying media thing I have ever done. I do not like editing sound; I love building, and editing websites, sounds... NOPE! I cannot tell you how many podcast host sites and recorders I tried, and most of them made me want to say hideous words. If I am honest, at times, I did. But, I did decide that for me, Buzzsprouts was the easiest. I still publish on Podbean and Apple for the exposure, but I post to them from my Buzzsprouts account. Like I say about everything, do your homework and make up your mind, but this one was the easiest for me.